Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Been a while..

As the title says, it's been a long while since I've updated this.

Mainly because this is the first time the internet has been able to load this page. But anyway. Time for the usual stuff.

Well, this deployment has sucked, and has made me ever regretting my decision to ever join the Navy. The CO seems like he knows what he's doing less and less each day. The XO is dumb. I hate him with all my being.

I don't know how I've lasted this long since those two came to "lead" this ship. We're "Air Defense Commander" and all that means to me, and the rest of the ship, is that we can't do maintenance out at sea, so the "liberty" we get in ports isn't really time off at all. It's maintenance, maintenance, duty, and maintenance.

Someone please tell me why I joined.


Kim said...

To serve your country.

Lauri said...

There will always be low points in a job/duty station/deployment but the highs will out weigh them. It may just not seem like it right now. But things always get better and remember there were fun times and there will be more fun times. You should ask us about Guam the next time you see us.

Dad/ray said...

My brothers were in the war and they would have gladly changed places with you instead of being shot at and having jap suiside aircraft hitting there ship. You are free in this country thanks to those that served before you. You are serving your country and with it comes good and bad, wake up with a smile and make your day bright. Grampa